"Well, it took a while but I finally found the info I needed. As I suspected, the yellow wire at the back of the low-beam bulb is connected to the popular yellow wire under the electrical center. The yellow on the low beam and the purple on the high beam are alternately switched to ground by the dimmer switch. If the yellow wire could be permanently grounded, the low beam would stay on when the high beam is switched on. The grounded-yellow-wire-under-the-electrical-center trick accomplishes this, but...
The easy all-on mod FOR A 2002 is:
1. Remove the two pins and pull the headlight assembly forward a couple of inches.
2. Use about a 1' length of approx #16 wire to tie into the yellow wire going to the low beam bulb.
3. Ground the other end of the 1' wire. There is a handy fender bolt a few inches back from the headlight.
4. Re-install the headlight assembly.
Done. Took less than 5 minutes on my truck and works fine.
No, seriously, DONT !!"
This came from a guy over at dieselplace.com, thanks newfydad. Sounds a little easier and quicker, definitely cheaper than a relay ($13 at napa). I've seen this floating around a few times, but nothing right a the headlight other than with the mod with the relay. What do you guys think? Is this just another way to accomplish the same thing? Or is one way better than the other?