Anyone here happen to know what the actual laws are for running HID headlights.?
I had heard, that it was NOT legal to run HID’s for “Low Beams†unless they were behind “factory lenses†which accurately shade oncoming traffic from the brighter lamps.
I was looking at a V series Cadillac CTS's "low beams", at night and noticed the very pronounced shaded area. It runs diagonally through the beam, cutting the light level for on coming traffic.
I also read somewhere, that Iowa was thinking about banning HID’s all together.
State Laws? Federal laws? Anybody?
I never put aftermarket HIDS in stock housings, they were designed for the stock Halagen bulbs. If you stick an HID bulb in there it scatters light everware and you get a bad beam pattern. Projectors are the only way to go with aftermarket HIDS, a good set like TYC or Depo projectors may set you back some, but its worth it for the cut off of the projector and the tightness and brightness of the bulb.
Some companys in the early days of HIDs used a special HID bulb that worked in a reflector (infact cadillac used it until 2006) that could be used called the D1R bulb (R for reflector, had good light out put, was not blinding, great beam pattern, but cut off was bad)
IF you go HIDS get a projector housing.
HID's (aftermarket) are illegle in EVERY STATE, enless their factory, truth be told, in a projector their just as good (sometimes better) than factory HIDS. If your not blinding on comming traffic you wont (usually, knock on wood) get bugged by the cops.
also truth be told, aiming your lights down could do the same thing, but you wont have the best beam paddern
TYC for the gmt 400 model tahoe/burban deveoped a legel aftermarket D2R (newer technology) that is the great beam paddern and great light output of any car with stock HIDS, but in an aftermarket form, that complies with all DOT requirements. to the tune of 400 bucks though.
cheapest and easiest ovesly is just getting a 9006 hid kit and slapping it in your truck, good light output, but risk being bugged by the cops, and blinding other on coming traffic.
BEST and most cost effective is Higherlevel auto HIDS and a set of e-bay projectors.
so a total of 250, great light output, good beam pattern, much less chance of being bugged by the cops, and you get an awsome new look to the truck.
edit- i know in some states HIDS are legel in a projector housing, aftermarket, or stock. so check your local laws also.