Looking for a HID conversion kit that will be going into my 2001 Tahoe.
Here are several I've been looking at, which would be the best for me to go with? Anyone have had any problems at all with any of these companies/brands/kits?
Option 1 :
- DDM Tuning HID Kit. "Apexcone 35W/55W Full Size Ballast HID Kit"
- Low Beams : 9006 - 55W - 10000K
- Fog Lights : 880 - 35W - 10000K
- Website : http://ddmtuning.com/hidkihidbuhi.html
- Good thing about what I've read about this website is that it has a life time warranty on all of their products. It's also $44.92 more than the VVME kit.
Option 2 :
- VVME HID Kit. "HID Conversion Kits - Single Beam Model "
- Low Beams : 9006 - 35W - 10000K
- Fog Lights : 880 - 35W - 10000K
- Website : http://vvme.com/catalog/list-s-10145-10146.html
- Bad thing about this company from what I've read is that the warranty is only a 14 month warranty but it's also $44.92 cheaper than the DDM Tuning kit.
Will there be a big difference for going with a 35W vs 55W in the low beams?
Here are several I've been looking at, which would be the best for me to go with? Anyone have had any problems at all with any of these companies/brands/kits?
Option 1 :
- DDM Tuning HID Kit. "Apexcone 35W/55W Full Size Ballast HID Kit"
- Low Beams : 9006 - 55W - 10000K
- Fog Lights : 880 - 35W - 10000K
- Website : http://ddmtuning.com/hidkihidbuhi.html
- Good thing about what I've read about this website is that it has a life time warranty on all of their products. It's also $44.92 more than the VVME kit.
Option 2 :
- VVME HID Kit. "HID Conversion Kits - Single Beam Model "
- Low Beams : 9006 - 35W - 10000K
- Fog Lights : 880 - 35W - 10000K
- Website : http://vvme.com/catalog/list-s-10145-10146.html
- Bad thing about this company from what I've read is that the warranty is only a 14 month warranty but it's also $44.92 cheaper than the DDM Tuning kit.
Will there be a big difference for going with a 35W vs 55W in the low beams?