Competitive Bid
When I did the competitive bid via email, I just sent an email to about 7 bay area dealers with the specs I was looking for.
In the email I clearly stated this was a competitive bid and that there were other dealers that received the same request. I stated I was looking for the best quote for what they have in their inventory. I let each dealer know that I would share my results with any dealer that responds as requested (this will either get you the best quote without haggling, or give you some leverage for a second round of bids). I also stated that if a dealer did not wish to participate that would be just fine with me (their loss).
This almost guarantees you a competitive price from at least one dealer if not more. I lucked out and found a REALLY nice dealer that didn't pressure me, and let me take my time deciding, that made a BIG difference in my decision.
If any of the dealers doubt a quote you receive, then just drop them from your list, no need to respond, it's not worth working with a dealer that thinks you're a liar. I did this with one really pushy dealer.
In the end I'm real happy with my purchase, and satisfied with the price.
Hope this helps others. Also, start the competitive bid process about 3 to 4 days before you purchase so you have time to digest the responses you receive, and offer a second chance to some dealers. And also try to do this as close to the end of the month as possible, ideally close to the end of a quarter (end of: March, Jun, Sep, Dec).
Take Care,