yeah, i love RC. I actually have a rc disorder.
yeah, you want to replace the filter whenever you do a pump. they are about 10$
hmmm... 1 year old fuel pump..maybe filter... was fuel getting to the injectors?
hmmm interesting. I wonder if that is causing my odd revving when Im at 52 mph. it goes between 15 and 1600 rpm and goes back and forth in there... like its searching around.
can you talk about the specs of the sub a little more, maybe the model number or something? I think with the specs we can tell you the box size you need. I say port it for clarity, unless you just want loud, then sealed. I'm not a fan of audiobahn, but free low end is free low end.
give the gas tank a good thud with a rubber mallet and see if that helps you get one last start out of it. I heard that can work in a pinch.
I think its your pump.. do you see fuel spraying from the injectors into the throttle body when you ( or someone) is starting it up?.. something is not...
I havent seen that mentioned much here, but that doenst mean it doesnt happen.
I think you should borrow that tester real quick like and see what kind of PSI you got going on.
did this problem gradually set in? did you ever get a random stalling of the engine before it totally wouldnt start?
welcome to the forum.
You shouldnt be listening to anything but government stations. What do you think this is, a free country? :)
Seriously though, I dont think its possible to modify this feature of the stock radio. Do you have the option of installing a new head unit, or not really?
find all posts by JP422. Joe has both front and rear disc upgrades on his 99. That should give you a great start for the brakes portion of your project. and wwelcome to the forum.
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