Here's the way it was 'splained to me. The reason some old time trannys fail after a flush is this; Imagine a glass with sugar in the bottom, you pour in tea and stir it up, now the sugar is swirling all around in the glass. Now imagine the sugar is metal filings that have been sitting in your tranny and the flush has stirred them up. I have a friend who does a flush every couple of years so he has no problem but I've heard it can cause problems on high mileage trannys. This sugar analogy was given to me by an RP rep, he said it was his opinion not the opinion of Royal Purple. He recommended a pan drop and filter change with RP. He said their film strength was so much higher than the factory fluid that it would over power the factory fluid. He recommended another pan drop 5K miles later to get a higher concentration of RP into the tranny.
I agree with rjardy, just 'cause it doesn't smell burnt doesn't mean it's fully doing it's job. I wouldn't recommend a flush on an old tranny based on the opinion of others but I would recommend the pan drop and filter change.