Basic info: I've got an '02 4WD LT 5.3L w/ 193k miles, owned since 154k.
Short story: Anyone have experience with a rhythmic squeaking coming from the front end that only happens when turning in one direction?
Long story: I noticed back in the fall, driving with the windows down, that when I took right curves at speed (i.e. not right turn from a stop) I could hear a faint "shuf shuf shuf" coming from the left front (driver side). It was barely audible and I didn't pay all that much attention to it.
Fast forward to the spring, first time driving with the windows down, and I notice a pretty prominent "squeak squeak squeak" coming from the left front during right turns, both from a stop and at speed, and sometimes even when braking in a straight line.
If I'm going highway speed, 60mph+, it is not a "squeak squeak squeak" but just one long squeal for the duration of the right-hand curve.
The noise does not seem to vary in speed or loudness going over bumps or undulating sections of road, but when it occurs it is very rhythmic and my gut is that it is squeaking in rhythm with the rotation of the wheel.
I don't know much about the front end of these things, but I'm assuming with 4WD that they have some kind of CV joint up front like a FWD car would, could that be the culprit? My other thought was a wheel bearing, but I don't really have experience with issues in either of those areas, so they're just guesses.
Anyone have experience with a rhythmic squeaking coming from the front end that only happens when turning one direction?
Short story: Anyone have experience with a rhythmic squeaking coming from the front end that only happens when turning in one direction?
Long story: I noticed back in the fall, driving with the windows down, that when I took right curves at speed (i.e. not right turn from a stop) I could hear a faint "shuf shuf shuf" coming from the left front (driver side). It was barely audible and I didn't pay all that much attention to it.
Fast forward to the spring, first time driving with the windows down, and I notice a pretty prominent "squeak squeak squeak" coming from the left front during right turns, both from a stop and at speed, and sometimes even when braking in a straight line.
If I'm going highway speed, 60mph+, it is not a "squeak squeak squeak" but just one long squeal for the duration of the right-hand curve.
The noise does not seem to vary in speed or loudness going over bumps or undulating sections of road, but when it occurs it is very rhythmic and my gut is that it is squeaking in rhythm with the rotation of the wheel.
I don't know much about the front end of these things, but I'm assuming with 4WD that they have some kind of CV joint up front like a FWD car would, could that be the culprit? My other thought was a wheel bearing, but I don't really have experience with issues in either of those areas, so they're just guesses.
Anyone have experience with a rhythmic squeaking coming from the front end that only happens when turning one direction?