2001 Chevy Tahoe 5.3 liter - 71000 miles.
My service engine light came on a couple weeks back. So I went to my local auto parts store and borrowed a code scanner. I pulled the code it said something like knock sensor 2 low circuit back bank. Something like that. Anyways I reset the code using the scanner and my check engine soon light hasn't came back on. My question is, do you think I need to replace that knock sensor or was it a false code? Just curious as I am thinking since I reset the light it should come back on if it is a faulty sensor? Or am I doing more damage? I would imagine the check engine soon light should come back on if there is a problem? I would say I reset the code at least 2-3 weeks ago and it still hasn't come back on. You think I am good to go?
I did call the dealer at the time and they qouted me around $450 to change both knock sensors. Fair price if I need this done?
Thanks everyone!
My service engine light came on a couple weeks back. So I went to my local auto parts store and borrowed a code scanner. I pulled the code it said something like knock sensor 2 low circuit back bank. Something like that. Anyways I reset the code using the scanner and my check engine soon light hasn't came back on. My question is, do you think I need to replace that knock sensor or was it a false code? Just curious as I am thinking since I reset the light it should come back on if it is a faulty sensor? Or am I doing more damage? I would imagine the check engine soon light should come back on if there is a problem? I would say I reset the code at least 2-3 weeks ago and it still hasn't come back on. You think I am good to go?
I did call the dealer at the time and they qouted me around $450 to change both knock sensors. Fair price if I need this done?
Thanks everyone!