__i just did this mod yesterday--
i didnt have my camera to take pics, but i dremeled out the back of the light housing...i know, i know...not too smart.....lol--:smilielol:
i didnt want to get my dremel that close to the bulb...do i dremeled out the housing, till the bulb base fit in there, wrapped that base, including the o-ring with 3m body and moulding tape, and shoved it in there, twisting along the way;
then after mounting ballasts and hiding wiring, i ran a bead of E6000 glue--cant tell you much about this glue, but thats its clear, and remains slightly flexible--
i'll try to get some pics tomorrow at work, and have them posted on here by noonish central time on monday for all who are interested...
this mod took me the better part of 3 hours, but i really took my time...