OK. I've learned quite a bit about transmissions through this whole experience - probably more than I really wanted to know.
I did get the codes read yesterday. Nothing but the minor evap code that we pulled at the tranny shop last week and an egr fault that I probably threw when I unplugged the egr valve and drove the truck a little. Nothing of any consequence or help.
But I started thinking about the TCC lockup, as I have most days that I've driven the truck and had it buck and bang down the road. Since I can't ever create the symptom when the truck is cold 1st thing in the morning, until the temp gauge gets up to the normal operating level, I wondered what would happen if I unplugged the coolant temp sensor to do a little test. Presto - no symptoms for 25 or so miles of driving, even when I REALLY tried to create the conditions when I would usually have them.
Not being an optimist at this point, especially with this truck, I wasn't holding my breath on a $20 coolant temp sensor being the answer to my woes, but I bought one anyway and this morning I installed it and plugged the connector back in. No luck. Once again, as soon as the truck warmed up, it started it's usual tantrums.
So I have once again unplugged the connector, sacrificing about 30% of my gas mileage I suspect, and am driving the truck around - symptom free, for the most part. A couple times today I noticed a slight hesitation, very minor compared to what I've been experiencing, and the truck definitely starts a little harder. If I don't let the starter crank the engine over quite a few times it doesn't want to stay running, and when it does it takes a few seconds to smooth out. After that it runs fine, plenty of power, etc. I'm sure the sensor being unplugged is confusing more than just the transmission.
Here's my question - by taking the TCC lockup offline I can eliminate the symptom. That kind of makes me feel like the problem is all about the functioning, or proper functioning of the TCC, and it should be chased down starting at the TCC - is that sound logic?