Hey peps i got a 02 tahoe 4wd, it is stock all i did sooo far was put an indash tv and im making a fiberglass centerconsole this week end caz i dont have one at all, ok i was thinking of swaping the front end for a 06-07 silverado front end because i saw one the other day and it was NICE, but i have a crazy problem lol the tahoe was a state vehicle so it is a crazy aquafresh, sea green, minty color lol one of the craziest you have ever seen it was a game warden vehicle, so i have looked everywhere for the paint to match and there isnt a place at all, i was thinking of leaving a design of that green in the side of the tahoe caz i cant really afford to paint the door jams on it, so i was gonna leave a crazy pinstripe of something on the side, get it painted black and do the interior the same, black and a SMALL strip of this green, but lol now that i cant find a matching paint if i replace the fenders i wont have that pinstripe or design, so 1. i was wondering if i could change the bumber and grill to something else, like a ss, or denali or something with out messing w the fenders, or hood? and if thats all fine and kool what should i do with my tahoe ? i love the lifted look but i dont take it in the mud so ?!?!?! and i also like the big ass rim look but then again i drive ALOT i mean like 2500 miles a month or more so give me some good looking ideas guys !?!?! thanks