1. ...(thats right i raise a 4 person family on one income) so i pay taxes just like you.
2. ...if someone doesnt want to wear a lapel pin, that is their choice.
3. Voting Dem does not make you a moron and easily swayed, nor does it make me a socialist collective. again i pay taxes and recieve no help from the wonderful govt.
4. "poor" is not a state of mind, it is a state of finacial standing...
before you go off... oh and Che Guevera was one of Time Magazines Top 100 Most Influential People of all Time. :thumbsup:
On topic: "Gas strikes" are irrelevant. They don't do a thing unless you just don't drive at all, which I think is unrealistic for most people don't have access to public transportation and have to work for a living.
Speaking of which:
1) Eight people in my family here, that I'm responsible to feed. One income -- mine -- to do that with. I work hard, I earn a great income, I pay Uncle Sam my "fair" and legal share.
2) I understand completely -- which is why I don't wear one. I thought it was pretty silly that people were freaked about that w/r/t Obama. So much more relevant and disturbing material to work with, why focus on that?
3) Do you feel guilty about your vote? Why? I wouldn't if I were you. I agree that the Government is totally messed up, but I'm not about roll over while the Oval Office is morally and ethically "sold out" in the "name of change" alone. Not to say things are great now, either! Career politicians are usually of dubious character at best, no matter what side of the aisle they sit on.
4) Poverty-level subsistence in the USA is nearly inexcusable. Sounds like to me that you're not
poor at all, just trying to get by like the rest of us, sometimes doing better than others, sometimes maybe not so much. Do you live on less than US $1 a day? Do you not get to eat until you're no longer hungry? Our welfare recipients in the US eat better than some other nation's bourgeois, and still complain, like they're victims of the system, all the while taking advantage of that same system. No, not
all welfare recipients are like that. I'd hope it's very few who are like that, but that's all you ever really hear about (thanks the ultra negative media). Good people do fall on hard times, and need help. It's not a system to exist on
long-term for any self-respecting person without a "victim" mentality or very extenuating circumstances.
And, on a final note, I'm all for political disobedience within the context of the spirit of positive change, but seeing how far you can cross the moral and ethical "line" is not grounds for "heroism" or "honor". Marxist / Communist murderers do not warrant my admiration.
Any political, religious, or financial threads will likely be full of biased personal views, and no, I'm certainly not exempt.
On that note, "Good luck in November".
Now, back to the truck stuff......
I paid $4.06 for 93 octane this afternoon.