WOW! I never thought my thread was going to start all this. I don't think I've ever seen so many :mad2:'s and :fu:'s in one thread:clapping: !
Anyway, thanks for all those who expressed their concern about the truck.
My thread wasn't meant to offend anyone or even suggest anything towards illegal immigrants. I was simply stating that the person who hit me did not have insurance, driver's license, nor could she speak English too well. But she IS a legal resident of the U.S. The point I was bringing up in my post was not only about my truck, but the fact that the person who hit me was not legal to be driving, not that she was an IA or not. She got away with what she did because of local laws stating that parking lots of businesses are considered private property and therefore, any moving vehicle violations within the parking lot are not susceptible to traffic citations. The accident was no doubtedly her fault. And she was undeniably in the wrong for even driving at all. But the local lawmakers are to blame for allowing her to be able to drive away with no citations or jail time. It's against the law here in TX, as well as most other states, to operate a motor vehicle on public roads without a valid driver's license or valid insurance. PUBLIC roads is the keyword over here. We were not on a public road. This law sucks.
Anyway, let's not turn this into a
flame the IA thread. I'm with you guys when it comes to being upset that illegal aliens seem to have some slack from the law on their side at times. And to
zeokter and
JRB07, I don't think anyone is specifically downing your race or cultural background. I think it leans more towards the immigrants who come into this country illegally and live amongst us not abiding by our laws.
So can we all just get along and enjoy the forum like it was meant to be

BTW, the damage on my truck isn't as bad now that I've calmed down a day later. It just looked really bad at the time probably because I was just so PO'ed that I got hit. Don't get me wrong, it still sucks, just not as bad as I thought. I'll post pics tomorrow.