I am on my second tank since purchasing the vehicle. 1st on 87 @ 17 mpg, 2nd on E85 @ 14 mpg. Ratio is about the same on fuel prices. I didn't have any lose in performance IMO.
I really wish people would think for themselves and not listen to the biased media. They don't give all the facts. Its kinda ironic that here we are discussing fuel cost and no one will atribute the rising cost of everything to that. Has anyone tried to have anything shipped lately. The lowest surcharge, I've seen, on fuel has been 37% that is tacked onto your regular shipping. Some trucker claim they are making more money now than ever before since they can now pass the rising fuel costs on to the consumer.
When you put down the ethanol subsidy stats, you might take a look at the subsidies paid out to petroleum companies as well.
I have a biased opinion some would say since I am a farmer. Since the price of commodities have basically doubled in the last year and a half. My production costs ie: fertilizer, chemical, machinery to name a few have also gone up double. When the price of commodities go back down, what are the odds that the price of food and input cost for the farmers will go down. Not very likely.
We have very cheap food in this country. Americans work until sometime in May to pay their taxes. Americans work until sometime in early February to pay for their food for the year.
A simple thank you would be appreciated. Instead of all the complaining.