Hello, I have a 2007 Chevy Tahoe LTZ with 53,000 I had on two different occasions had the clunking sound and thumping feel on the rear end of my tahoe at take off and when making stops sometimes even after the vehicle came to a complete stop it felt as if someone bumped the rear end. Two years ago is when I origianally took it in to the dealership to get checked out and they found the problem to be inside the drive shaft yoke they found rust inside so they greased inside the yoke and that fix worked for a couple years until recently it started up again. Yesterday I brought my Tahoe back in along with the GM Bulletin on this known issue as backup and the bulletin states that the dealership or the owner should replace the yoke so that is what the dealership did. I got a new Yoke installed and a joint kit and so far the problem is fixed and it's riding great with no problems. I was lucky in that I have GMPP extended warranty coverage until September so all I had to pay was a $100.00 deductible but I surely wanted it fixed before the Extended GMPP warranty expired. I hope this helps if you search the internet you can find a bulletin on this issue that suggests if greasing the yoke does not work it is to be replaced.