I think I understand what & why you are asking. I ran into the same problem. For the previous two posts, it's not a matter on concentration prior to filling the system. It's what volume of water is already in the block so that the proper amount of coolant can be added to the system in order to achieve the proper concentration at the end of the addition of fluid.
As for me, I just guessed based upon how much the total capacity of the system is, and how much "clean" water I was able to drain out of the radiator. I will say that I was shocked at how little "mixed fluid" I added to the coolant surge tank in order to fill.
IIRC, here's what I can offer as help ...
Cooling system total volume = 16.7 qts (for the 5.3 & 4.8 engines)
I think I only added 3 gal of fluid (~11.4L) which I had diluted to approx 1:1
So I think I'm slightly low in my coolant to water concentration, however haven't noticed a problem yet. If I was to do it again, I would add 2 gal straight coolant and then add another gallon that was 1:1. I think that will get you closer to your desired 1:1 concentration for the whole cooling system.
Good luck.