Go to
www.gmnavdisc.com and put in your VIN. You can call the support number also. The way it should work, is... If you bought your Tahoe new. The GM NAV Disc folks would have sent you a post card with the free off. This offer was for two free upgrades. All you needed to do was send the post card back or go to the web site and enter your customer number. But this offer was also extended to second owners as well. I called the customer care number and asked if I qualified. The lady at the customer care center was very nice, said that I did, and put in my order for a free upgrade to the lates version. Don't hold your breath if you manage to get an order. I've been waiting three months for mine. They say the new discs are on back order. I'm sure some of the other folks on this forum have been waiting longer. But hay, it's a free upgrade. So I'm not compaining.
Here's some information from the FAQ on the NAV Disc web site.
Disc Subscription and Ordering TOP
Q: What is the Disc Subscription program that GM is offering regarding Navigation update discs?
A: GM is pleased to offer a subscription program including all new North American 2006 and 2007 model year GM vehicles (excluding Saab) with factory installed Navigation systems. Owners of qualified GM vehicles will receive two (2) free update discs for the Navigation system on your first and second anniversary. If your vehicle was purchased in 2006 you have until December 31, 2008 to take advantage of this offer. If your vehicle was purchased in 2007 the offer will expire on December 31, 2009.
Q: If I sell the car, does the new owner get the disc update?
A: Yes. The update disc offer is tied to the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
Q: Will customers be notified when a subscription update is available?
A: Yes. 2006 and 2007 model year customers will be contacted by postcard approximately 10 months after delivery offering the map update. If the customer decides they want the update they must provide a confirmation to the GM Nav Disc Center via the toll-free number or the Web. The map update disc will be mailed to them. A valid mailing address will be required to receive the map disc. This process will automatically repeat for the second anniversary of delivery.