I have an '03 Tahoe Z71 with 31K miles on it. Recently when driving the Tahoe, I will receive an error message that states " Check Brake System", the "ABS" light will come on and the "Check Engine" light comes on and the whole car completely shuts down. The scary part of about this situation is the whole car becomes inoperable - no power brakes, no power steering. The local dealership in Richmond Va (Royal Chevrolet) ran a diagnostic on it and couldn't find anything wrong. I have seen some posts on other sites with people having the exact same problem, but no resolutions.
Any help is greatly appreciated! I have two very young kids that love to ride with me and if I can't get this resolved and trust my Tahoe I might have to sell and trade into an import Mini-Van
Any help is greatly appreciated! I have two very young kids that love to ride with me and if I can't get this resolved and trust my Tahoe I might have to sell and trade into an import Mini-Van