My buddy just picked up a /95 Tahoe w/ 5.7 TBI motor. The injectors are not clicking (not working) when we turn over the engine. It has been parked in a garage for the last 5 years and has 200Km on it. He first removed the injectors, cleaned them up and reinstalled them. I showed up w/ the node light and the node flashed on both injector harnesses, but the injectors still do not work. I put a 12 volt battery charger set at 2 amps directly to the injectors and they clicked and allowed some fuel to pass. Because they did not spray properly we agreed to replace the fuel pump (the complete package w/ sending unit) and the fuel filter. The injectors are still not firing, but the node light test shows the harnesses flashing. I again put 12V/2 Amp jumper lines to the injectors and the one injector sprayed perfectly and the other not quite as well. However this was a huge improvement in the spray quality. However, even though the wiring harness flashes the node light, the harness fails to fire the injectors. The flash of the node light is average, not bright, but I do not use these enough to know if they usually flash really brite. So we have injectors that work, and a harness that appears to be working but everything together does not function. I have seen posts where the ignition control module controls the firing of the injectors as well as the ignition. So maybe we need a new ignition module? Does the crankshaft sensor have anything to do with the injectors? A 12 volt test light shows voltage to both injector connectors and a voltmeter shoes 6 volts when cranking at both injector connectors. Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.