What would be the best way to test the actuator. I have the push button 4 wheel drive 2hi,4hi,4lo,and auto 4 wheel. This is a 12 volt actuator is'nt it.
hey guys
Just wondering if the front drive shaft was suppose to spin while in two wheel drive. I almost feels like the front end isn't unlocking,but the transfer case is. Semes to be pushing the front end around corners.
I know I've seen it on here before. but after going to all my parts dealer in town to find an evo and having them tell me It was a dealers part only. $80 later I got to put in but what to make sure I'm doing it right. Thanks for your help.
thanks for info
Thank you for all the info. When I get home from off the road working. I'm going to try the grease @ install a evo sensor. Hope that fixs the problems.
wondering if anyone has had the same problem. right when the truck stops it feels like the rear axle moves. when you let off the brakes to start moving you feel it move again. looked at ujionts and u bolts looks fine.can anyone help
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