Well, I've been waiting to hear the noise again and the lights and everything seem to be working. I did play with the door switches for the trunk area, as my GF said she was having an issue with it locking when she used her keypad. Maybe it was just one of the door switches was stuck? Either...
I checked all the door switches and I'll pull apart the headlight switch assy tonight, as that's what the guy at Napa and Autozone said too. The sound is coming from the driver's side near the bottom of the dashboard. I haven't had a chance to pull anything apart because of work and it's been...
Hi guys! I need some help locating a problem with my GF's Tahoe. The interior lights click on and off randomly and for various periods of time. It was really distracting while driving and she was worried about it draining her battery, as it kicked on while the truck was off also, so I pulled...
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