Well I got into it today and found a loose connection from the lighter fuse panel.
Pin came out of the wire hardness, very lucky it didn't burn up. Wasn't a hard repair and lucky I found it so easily.
Thanks for the help. ;)
Thanks lesterl,
I was going to look up the schematic tomorrow. Well I know the cig. lighter fuse is okay.
I have found that when I push the hatch button on the remote while sitting in the truck I can hear a click coming from behind the dash around where the 4X4 buttons are. So I need to lay down...
None of the switches are working, none of the doors switches or hatch release that's on the dash.
That's why I believe it's a relay somewhere that control them or maybe a circuit board..??
Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my door looks and rear window.
None of the inside switches are working. I can't get into the rear of my hoe.
The only way to lock or unlock my truck is by using the remote.
I checked the fuses and they are fine.
My guess would be a bad relay. The Million...
Hi everyone, I just bought a 97 Tahoe for $1500.00. I've always wanted to buy another Chevy 4X4 since totaling my 89 Subaran. School bus T-boned me.
It's in nice shape, could use new paint. It has a rebuilt Jasper engine which was replaced 3 years ago and the tranny rebuild last summer.
The guy...
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