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  1. treepete

    extended warranties...

    wowo interesting. your at the point where yout IMG will need to be replaced. and fuel pump. thats 1600$ right there if you took it to a shop. warriaties direct, huh. interesting.
  2. treepete

    The interior is out...

    JK, I just saw this thread, and that is the awesomeist install I have ever seen. your the master. \ Pete with all the dynamat and the foam between the panels, is it ultra quiet in there now?
  3. treepete

    Transmission problem.

    mine does this, but at 52 mph. the RPMs go from 1500 to 1600 and back when I cruise at this speed. Can it be remedied?
  4. treepete

    How to change radio light bulbs?

    yeah for as little as 100$ you would be light years ahead of the stock unit.
  5. treepete

    need help on push button 4wd

    Awesome website eyepoppin. I looked at all the pics I think.
  6. treepete

    How to change radio light bulbs?
  7. treepete

    How to change radio light bulbs?

    ok its a 25 1370 lamp 12 volt thanks to tony seidl for that tidbit...
  8. treepete

    How to change radio light bulbs?

    its those little led type that are soldered right to the board. usually the preset numbers fail first on the OEM head unit. I bet that in a car audio forum you could find the answer. or call your local repair shop.. its one of those things a tech would have memorized. It'll be "yeah, thats the...
  9. treepete

    How to change radio light bulbs?

    hey, welcome to the forum. What year/model we talking here?
  10. treepete

    Can Someone Stab My Fuel Pump in the Eye, Please?

    yeah I just got a call from Jiminys shop. 680.00$ 440 for the pump, and 240 for the labor. I think I just saw the part at autozone for 203.. cripes. add in the tow and this will be almost an 800$ adventure.
  11. treepete

    Can Someone Stab My Fuel Pump in the Eye, Please?

    Hey, I just had the most embarassing thing happen. I said to the CEO of our company that I would give him a ride into Milwaukee proper to pick up his new BMW. We got about 3 blocks from work and *poof* fuel pump pooped out. Totally dead. wouldnt restart or anything. Cops showed up, middle...
  12. treepete

    Hydroboost brake conversion

    You are the masta.
  13. treepete

    Someone stole my 3rd row seats.

    who the hell steals a 3rd row seat? I mean, to what end?
  14. treepete

    instrument cluster removal

    Sas, thats you.
  15. treepete

    Cam up grade Question.

    Well, until someone chimes in about the cam options, tell us about the heads you got.
  16. treepete

    Big 3, step 2, Month 7

    No your not choking off the alternator with the stock wire. Del would know the specifics of how much current a 0/1 or 2 or 4 gauge wire can handle, I do not offhand. but Im sure the stock stuff is operating safely, even up to the 140amp stock option. Adding less resistance is what improves the...
  17. treepete

    multiple/random misfire code P0300

    I think the stuck valve theory is a good one. when your at a higer RPM it might be enough pop to cycle the valve, I dunno.. I read that Marvel Mystery Oil can help ..might help free up sticky valves as a fuel additive.
  18. treepete

    dumped flowmaster equals ass

    gibson and magnaflow are quieter than the 40 series flomaster. Maybe try the super44 flomaster if you can find it in your size. or glass packs. I bet that would sound awesome.
  19. treepete

    Some Pics Of My Custom Amp Rack!

    oh sorry, you said it was a piece of wood. I missed that part. :)
  20. treepete

    Some Pics Of My Custom Amp Rack!

    Thats awesome. are the amps bolted to a sub box in that photo? If i could get the subs AND amps AND the seats still folded down, that would be awesome. Looks real nice and clean. Pete