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  1. treepete

    Post Picks of Your Tahoe/Yukon

    NVM, im dumb. I thought that quote was the original post.//.. im dumb.. lol
  2. treepete

    Post Picks of Your Tahoe/Yukon

    what exactly is going on there? supercharger? I CANT SEE>
  3. treepete

    How to change radio light bulbs?

    naw, youll be cool on the pull-out, put-back on your own truck. that wont make a radio problem. BUT IF IT DOES, its solvable. I saw a few threads here a couple months back ( like this last summer) about resetting that thing with a series of keycodes and maneuvers, etc.. i just cant find it when...
  4. treepete

    HELP NEEDED Tie rod end boot cracked

    the ball popper tool I mean did you use that?
  5. treepete

    HELP NEEDED Tie rod end boot cracked

    ok tierod removal tool or no>
  6. treepete

    HELP NEEDED Tie rod end boot cracked

    k sorry... hmmm. Imm looking now
  7. treepete

    Another problem with my 95

    cripes dude. It sounds like a bad ground or something electrical causeing touble in the cloumn- like you said... any trouble with the cruise or turn signal, or ABS lights or anything going on? Its weird what you say.. like a short on the column.. the way its intermittant changes with the...
  8. treepete

    Made An Exhaust Vid

    yep, sounds real nice. I like it. taking the video next to a building helps too. I bet you sound awesome in drive thru's. :D
  9. treepete

    Tool Question- Metric or Standard?

    metric I think if you had to choose. Copper and Black, can I quick ask you in round numbers how much your paint ran you.? I think of the black top repaint w/ dkblue lower for my ride.. wondering if your pricing was about the same for the copper and black. thanks and sorry to interrupt, Pete
  10. treepete

    HELP NEEDED Tie rod end boot cracked

    doesnt seem so bad, have you looked at ebay, yet?
  11. treepete

    new pics!

    nice on the SoCal stuff. looks great. what can you do for the trenz billet on the 99 though? anything laying around thats cool?
  12. treepete

    Aftermarket Intake Question

    I agree if your going hood, do cowl for cooling. ram the air in from the bumper, like Del says. If its good for nascar, its good for our big ass trucks. I like your intake idea, but doing it on these trucks is different than doing it on your tuner. I mean, IT'S AS COOL, just different. Lets...
  13. treepete

    a little update

    oooh looks awesome.. fix your pic a little so we can see both lights better. post when you have them in. right on!
  14. treepete

    Winter Fun in the Denali

    we're 45 today, and 15 tomorrow... go figure. good pics, Boost.
  15. treepete

    repairing a wheel question 20"

    man the close ups make them look rough. They arent bad. With some elbow grease and 10 minutes, you couls make them SHINE . :)
  16. treepete

    repairing a wheel question 20"

    ok heres more. 8.5x 20 JJET CO 1900lbs max, 60 PSI
  17. treepete

    New guy needs help...

    man, you gotta get em down down down. go ridiculous low with your opening offer. They have to be struggling cause sales are really off with this econmic mess. hows 25K sound? open with that.
  18. treepete

    BB Tune - high octane vs regular

    I just got the scan cable in the mail from Justin last week. I went to do some data loggin and had trouble selecting my year controller. Justin is working up some new instructions for my year model I think. I will continue to run 87 in my ride, and I think our goals are similar for...
  19. treepete

    Quick Question about my amp/sub

    have you hooked it up and tried that enclosure already? ( the rounded one?)