Hey guys,
I got back from my 2200mi trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and back. I promised to post some pics as well as report on how well the Tahoe did in the snow. I didn't get a lot of pics, partly due to the fact that it was so cold:
(That's negative in case you didn't notice)
On the way up I'd say a small minority of the roads were nice like this:
Half were more like this:
And the other ones were so bad I wasn't peeling my white knuckled hands off of the steering wheel to take a picture :crazy:
The Tahoe exceeded all of my expectations for snow. With 4 wheel drive engaged it was a beast in anything from deep snow to hard packed snow. Auto mode works great, I left it in there for most of the U.P. The only issue I had was when I had it in auto mode and went to pass a snow plow, i was about next to him when I saw some head lights crest a hill in a ways off, i decided to punch it a little harder, it down-shifted and started to fishtail for a split second then the front half kicked in and pulled me straight again. It could have engaged a little quicker for my taste...actually its my fault for where I was I should have had it in 4hi anyway. But we got there safe and sound:
The Ski-doo in the picture was the one I rented/rode (somebody asked me to include a pic of it as well). If you have any questions, fire away.
I got back from my 2200mi trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and back. I promised to post some pics as well as report on how well the Tahoe did in the snow. I didn't get a lot of pics, partly due to the fact that it was so cold:

(That's negative in case you didn't notice)
On the way up I'd say a small minority of the roads were nice like this:

Half were more like this:

And the other ones were so bad I wasn't peeling my white knuckled hands off of the steering wheel to take a picture :crazy:
The Tahoe exceeded all of my expectations for snow. With 4 wheel drive engaged it was a beast in anything from deep snow to hard packed snow. Auto mode works great, I left it in there for most of the U.P. The only issue I had was when I had it in auto mode and went to pass a snow plow, i was about next to him when I saw some head lights crest a hill in a ways off, i decided to punch it a little harder, it down-shifted and started to fishtail for a split second then the front half kicked in and pulled me straight again. It could have engaged a little quicker for my taste...actually its my fault for where I was I should have had it in 4hi anyway. But we got there safe and sound:

The Ski-doo in the picture was the one I rented/rode (somebody asked me to include a pic of it as well). If you have any questions, fire away.