I have a 2007 tahoe that I bought used a while ago. When I first got it and put the nav disc in, it showed the XM tab when scrolling through audio, but it said there was a problem. After about having it for 2 weeks it disappeared. I've just kinda forgotten about it through the years. Recently I pulled my glovebox down and realized that the XM module was missing. Apparantely the previous owner removed the XM module before selling it to me! I have no idea how all of that works, so I am not sure if I have to try to find the exam part that was in my car or if I can get any brand/part # XM module. Since my tahoe is obviously capable of XM since the nav system recognized that there was XM, I don't know if I have to get a particular kind or not. Can someone please help me with this??
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!