I have changed it out. Aside from the awkward position you have to lay in to change it, it is very easy. All I had to do was unbolt one bolt from the steering shaft, push the bottom half down towards the firewall, unplug the connector (if it hasn't been changed before, its wrapped in foam tape) and pull the sensor out.
Just a side note, my connector had a green pin in it that I had to pull out so that the connector would separate. Also, the sensor is housed in a gray plastic housing that has 3 (?) clips holding the sensor in. I just used a small flathead to gently pry the sensor out.
BTW...Advance Auto and O'reillys sell the part for 30-40 bucks. The part number at Advance is 31025 in case your parts guy gives you the "deer in headlights" look. I got mine overnight and it was a hell of a lot cheaper than what the dealer wanted for it
Reassembly is just opposite, make to sure to re-wrap the connector or zip-tie it to something or else it will rattle. All in all, it might take you a half of an hour...hope this helps