Very easy job, the regulator is probably shot, the motors are quite tough unless the little ones run the windows when it's malfunctioning and heating it up.
I bought a new motor/regulator, still in the box brand new for less than 25 bucks a year or so ago on Fleabay + 10 bucks to ship and have had no problems.
The problem lies in the cables that work as the motor spins a gizmo and they get tangled and cause havoc. I take my door panels off once a year and lube them up with the oil I use for my bicylcle cables, can't remember the name, synthetic oil of some kind, little black bottle. put a few drops on, run window up and down a few times and put it all back together. No problems with other windows. It broke initially because a kid was holding the window as one was rolling it up thus causing the cables to bind and tangle up and kink. I was a little miffed! They learned a valuable lesson on proper window procedure.