Nope, no holes. I just did mine on the 01 Hoe this week. Got a day or two of sunshine so I thought I'd put a couple coats of wax on after debadging. Just take some fishing line or dental floss and saw it down behind the badges, preferably in a warm area or heated up a little, mine was cold and the rest of the removal is PIA.
There will be black double sided tape under them, mine was virtually ALL there, so with gentle fingernail removal, and rubbing with thumbs, after trying with Goof Off and Rubbing alcohol, mine came off, after about an hour and three pretty big blisters on my thumbs and a fingertip, from rubbing it all off. I don't have a heat gun or hair dryer.
All the badges came off and it looks pretty slick, going to post a question about where to find chrome lettering to do a custom badge.