Twice now I've got the warning on my DIC, "Oil level low, add Oil"
I just drove 1500 miles to TX from MI and only stopped for gas. Apparently I burned 1qt of oil in the process. Looking at the Service Manual, this is supposed to be normal and burning 1qt for each 100 gallons of gas or 1qt/2000 miles is normal.
Are you guys experiencing this burn?
What have you done to remedy this?
I had planned on putting Mobil 1 in before I return to MI, but if I'm just going to burn a quart of it, I'll just go organic.
I just drove 1500 miles to TX from MI and only stopped for gas. Apparently I burned 1qt of oil in the process. Looking at the Service Manual, this is supposed to be normal and burning 1qt for each 100 gallons of gas or 1qt/2000 miles is normal.
Are you guys experiencing this burn?
What have you done to remedy this?
I had planned on putting Mobil 1 in before I return to MI, but if I'm just going to burn a quart of it, I'll just go organic.
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