Im still clueless here. google is stupid.. Spanish dictionary gives me this.
paisano, -a
1. from the same country (del mismo paÃs)
masculine or feminine noun
2. compatriot, fellow countryman (del mismo paÃs) (hombre); compatriot, fellow countrywoman (mujer)
3. country person, peasant (campesino)
masculine noun
4. civilian (civil)
de paisano, -a -> in civilian clothes; (militar) in plain clothes (policÃa)
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paisano [pah-e-sah’-no]
1. Fellow-countryman, one of the same country as another. (m)
2. Countryman: appellation given by soldiers to those who are not military men; a civilian. (m)
3. Compatriot (compatriota). (m)
4. (Cono Sur) Foreigner (extranjero); (Cono Sur) Arab (árabe); (Mex.) Spaniard; (And. Cono Sur) Chinaman, Chinese woman. (m)
1. gentlemanly (cortés)
masculine noun
2. gentleman (señor); sir (al dirigir la palabra)
ser todo un caballero -> to be a real gentleman
caballeros -> gents; (en letrero) (en aseos) menswear (en grandes almacenes)
3. knight (miembro de una orden)
armar caballero a alguien -> to knight somebody
caballero andante -> knight errant
4. nobleman (noble)
Naco no have meaning