New Member
Good evening Guys.
I'm mech inclinded (mostly old veh) however, I have a ABS problem I quite don't understand and just perhaps someone knows something I don't.
Anyways for the "past" year or so my 01 yukon had an indication light "both" (ABS/Brake). The strange thing is that this was not on all the time Sometime I could drive 600 miles with no indication, then other times only 5 miles and it would come on. Of course if I pulled over and re-started the would be cleared (no indication) until "whenever" the next time decided to happen.
NOTE: This pattern always showed both ABS and Brake at the same time.
Now :rolleyes2: after going on line reading mega forums etc I checked a few spots looking for wire shorts or something noticeable....not-ta thing. I then read-up where a dude stated that dirt may have covered the senser tip and should be cleaned off for my kind of indication. Anyways I ended up taking the LT front wheel off disc,hub etc and "slowly" removed the sensor. It looked pretty good and just had a small amount of grease on the tip so I gave it a wipe and slowly replace her back in.
OK.. now that everythings back ABS light only and "always" stays on as soon as I start-up. I took it for a run (for wheel rotation and she won't go out!! WTF. Any ideas or comments...before I "have " to take it in.
Thank in-advance
I'm mech inclinded (mostly old veh) however, I have a ABS problem I quite don't understand and just perhaps someone knows something I don't.
Anyways for the "past" year or so my 01 yukon had an indication light "both" (ABS/Brake). The strange thing is that this was not on all the time Sometime I could drive 600 miles with no indication, then other times only 5 miles and it would come on. Of course if I pulled over and re-started the would be cleared (no indication) until "whenever" the next time decided to happen.
NOTE: This pattern always showed both ABS and Brake at the same time.
Now :rolleyes2: after going on line reading mega forums etc I checked a few spots looking for wire shorts or something noticeable....not-ta thing. I then read-up where a dude stated that dirt may have covered the senser tip and should be cleaned off for my kind of indication. Anyways I ended up taking the LT front wheel off disc,hub etc and "slowly" removed the sensor. It looked pretty good and just had a small amount of grease on the tip so I gave it a wipe and slowly replace her back in.
OK.. now that everythings back ABS light only and "always" stays on as soon as I start-up. I took it for a run (for wheel rotation and she won't go out!! WTF. Any ideas or comments...before I "have " to take it in.
Thank in-advance