it looks like the days of a regulator keeping your voltage at 14v all the time are gone according to a notice/bulletin from gm i found while researching this issue, but i'm not sure if we have a problem with our new (to us) 08 tahoe.
It's always been 14v whenever i've looked at it but today, toward the end of a 20 minute drive i noticed the voltage was below and seemed to be dropping. lights on, blower motor on, wipers on, radio on.
so i got home, didn't shut it off and put a multimeter on it. it was just over 13 (can't remember exactly - like 13.1), and the truck kept it there even as i turned stuff on and off.
turning something on would briefly lower it then it would raise it back up. likewise turning something off would briefly raise it, only to be 'corrected.'
this leads me to believe the alt is actually working and the car is regulating it.
so i shut it off and restarted and it was reading 15.5ish. i didn't let it run that long. coming here, it looks like the car is really smart and i just want to know if this sounds right.
looking at the bulletin, i thought it would have read 13.8 v since so much was on.
just want to know if we have a problem and it sounds like a dealership may or may not know what they're doing.
it apparently has a new battery, too. i'm trying to contact the po to see why and maybe they had this problem before, dealer said to replace battery and it's still here.....
It's always been 14v whenever i've looked at it but today, toward the end of a 20 minute drive i noticed the voltage was below and seemed to be dropping. lights on, blower motor on, wipers on, radio on.
so i got home, didn't shut it off and put a multimeter on it. it was just over 13 (can't remember exactly - like 13.1), and the truck kept it there even as i turned stuff on and off.
turning something on would briefly lower it then it would raise it back up. likewise turning something off would briefly raise it, only to be 'corrected.'
this leads me to believe the alt is actually working and the car is regulating it.
so i shut it off and restarted and it was reading 15.5ish. i didn't let it run that long. coming here, it looks like the car is really smart and i just want to know if this sounds right.
looking at the bulletin, i thought it would have read 13.8 v since so much was on.
just want to know if we have a problem and it sounds like a dealership may or may not know what they're doing.
it apparently has a new battery, too. i'm trying to contact the po to see why and maybe they had this problem before, dealer said to replace battery and it's still here.....