Every once in a while, like a few times a year, I go to start my 00 Yukon, and the battery is dead. But when I charge it with a battery pack, it seems fine.
I figured out at first this was due to leaving an FM transmitter plugged into the outlet, which remained on even when the vehicle was powered off. So I stopped doing it.
But just today, I drove my truck for a few minutes at 9am, it was fine, and at 11:30am I went to go somewhere else and the battery was dead.
Now, I had some 4x4 wood panels in the back, and the cargo door, although closed, was giving me the "cargo door open" warning light on the dash. Is it possible this was also triggering some other electrical stuff that drained my battery in that time?
Or is there an underlying problem with my circuitry?
Or is my battery just dying, time for a new one?
Please advise, thanks.
I figured out at first this was due to leaving an FM transmitter plugged into the outlet, which remained on even when the vehicle was powered off. So I stopped doing it.
But just today, I drove my truck for a few minutes at 9am, it was fine, and at 11:30am I went to go somewhere else and the battery was dead.
Now, I had some 4x4 wood panels in the back, and the cargo door, although closed, was giving me the "cargo door open" warning light on the dash. Is it possible this was also triggering some other electrical stuff that drained my battery in that time?
Or is there an underlying problem with my circuitry?
Or is my battery just dying, time for a new one?
Please advise, thanks.