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  1. P

    Hello from France

    Hello, In France, gasoline is very expensive : Regular unleaded= 1,40€ and ethanol = 0,70€. I don't know how many exactly in $, but drive in France is a luxe sometimes.....Too much taxes in my country !!!!:smoke2: So, the american cars which run in France, it's GPL a lot and now, flexfuel...
  2. P

    Hello from France

    Great thanks for the answer. I'll look for the audio system on amazon shop as you tell to me. My future TAHOE run with flexfuel (ethanol) without additional system. In America, is-it usually as fuel and is there some particular system ou housing to have a very proper fonctioning? So, i go...
  3. P

    Hello from France

    Hello everybody, So I'm a futur Tahoe's owner, I' going to buy next week a model 2003 with 20400 kms (and not miles, yes, I'm in France)..... It's a Green one, 8 places, LT witch run with flexfuel (ethanol in french) without special system for. I'm 57 years old and always appreciate the...