So I paper clipped pins A and H and I get a count of 1 and 4....Problem is there is no code for that. There is a high temp code, but I am pulling codes for the ABS not the engine diagnostic?
Ok...A and H....I will look for the pin out on the ODB I ...I was under the impression that codes for the ABS needed to be read from a SCAN II device?
Anyone have the pinout on the ODB I? I am not at home with all my documents....looking now
Actually the truck has had this ever since I bought it 3 years ago..I have done a front brake job on it abt 500 miles ago.....I cleaned the do I check for a bad one? I am selling it and would like that lamp to be corrected.
1994 Chevy Blazer v8
I have an abs lamp when the vehicle starts moving and it stays on....( it will lamp up if I sit there as well).
How do I test the sensors to see if one is bad?
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