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  1. Crazydefense32

    Banned Corvette ad

    Naw I know you were just playin. :Chevy:
  2. Crazydefense32

    How Thirsty is Your Hoe/Yuke???

    On the 97' the brakes suck, and I mean they are terrible!! I noticed they work the same whether I am in drive or in neutral, so I figured I may as well put it in neutral as the motor in the 97' doesn't do anything to slow it down either. The new ones it would probably overheat the brakes. My...
  3. Crazydefense32

    How Thirsty is Your Hoe/Yuke???

    I put $20.00 dollars in a month (use regular) and I live in the area with the most expensive gas in the country... I usually coast in on fumes at the beginning of each month!! Actually my secret is putting it in neutral down hills, and not flooring it off stoplights, stopsigns, or onto the...
  4. Crazydefense32

    Taillight tinng

    Just be warned in most states blacking out your headlights is illegal, you can however back out your amber/signals. :Chevy: :lol: Lol, yea I know I just noticed that.:Chevy:
  5. Crazydefense32

    sick of just high beams off road....

    I feel you on the Christmas $$ stress! Yea I took my Hoe' through 2 foot snow and only got stuck once, only because I had A/T tires on. Now with the M/T tires I won't get stuck for sure!! :Chevy:
  6. Crazydefense32

    sick of just high beams off road....

    Looks pretty nice, but there's not enough snow for me!! I like snow more than sand, because sand gets everywhere!! And I cant ski on sand, well I can and have but it's not as much fun! :Chevy:
  7. Crazydefense32

    New Halo/projector Headlamps Install

    Seems that there is no easy way to do this project!! They look good, and I would probably never notice the bad caulking, but like you when i know there is something wrong with my car I always stare at the one part because I know it's there. Good Luck :Chevy:
  8. Crazydefense32

    sick of just high beams off road....

    What do you need the flashlight and all these lights for? You aren't the guy who goes out in the middle of nowhere and buries the bodies of your vicims right? :Chevy:
  9. Crazydefense32

    Another car to consider..

    Really? I like all the new retro models, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion! Yea the ones like your are great like you said cause no one ever expects that they have those giant motors!! But like I said they are f*ckin fast!! :Chevy:
  10. Crazydefense32

    Another car to consider..

    I wouldn't mind getting the G8 GXP, that looks pretty sick. Also rumor has it that GM is going to make a new GTO with the retro look (like the new Camaro). So hopefully they will bring it back, cuz the retro ones are SICK!! The 05-06 models looked kind of lame in my opinion, but damn they were...
  11. Crazydefense32

    How to Keep Your Car from Getting Stolen...

    Damn, I need to get me one of those!! :Chevy:
  12. Crazydefense32

    Banned Corvette ad

  13. Crazydefense32

    Banned Corvette ad

    Thats low... Very very low. :Chevy:
  14. Crazydefense32

    import eating Corvette!

    This is just scary!! :Chevy:
  15. Crazydefense32

    import eating Corvette!

    I wonder how a stock Z06 would face up against my Busa. My uncles Supercharged (Now twin turbo), NOS, and every other performance mod you can think of, smoked me. Like the lingenfelter did.:Chevy:
  16. Crazydefense32

    ZO6's are just bad ass!

    Definitely sick!! My uncle just yanked out the supercharger on his Z06 and swapped it for twin turbos!! 1200HP! Yea, its that good!! :Chevy:
  17. Crazydefense32

    Banned Corvette ad

    That actually resembled my dreams, cept I'm in a black Z06 and get much more air!! :Chevy:
  18. Crazydefense32

    import eating Corvette!

    Corvette smoked their asses!! :Chevy:
  19. Crazydefense32

    New 95 Yukon owner, tough/sluggish starting?

    If you replace all that junk (filter, melted wires, etc) it should be good. It could be just the filter, the engine might not be getting enough air. :Chevy: