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  1. B

    New Member-New Problem

    Did you check all the fuses? Perhaps the passenger side is blown? Otherwise it's testing each section of the wires leading to the headlamp plug.
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    Turn signal issue

    See if it does this only when the engine is running (run everything straight off the battery). Maybe bad alternator? Check wires from alternator? Sounds like to me that it's when the alt gets a larger-than-normal pull, i.e. all the lights being on. I'm not an expert here, though - complete...
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    Center Console Wiring

    If the cupholders are the same as the one in the 2001, yes, it just pulls up and you can see underneath the console. Hopefully JK will have some insight into the colors of wires for switched power. I seem to recall purple/white, but I'm not 100% on that. Might want to do a quick search on the...
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    My new HIDs wont light...

    You got a multimeter? If not, go to Radio Shack (or even Wal-Mart has a cheap one in the automotive section) and get one. Is the thing actually getting power?
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    My new HIDs wont light...

    I just got some $70 cheapies from ebay for my wife's car. The listing says: # xact size and fitting to your OEM power source. Polarity insensitive, therefore you can not "fry" the Ballast. Full-proof positive (+) & negative (-) specific connection. # Fully sealed. Full function DC 12V (9-16...
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    My Volant Story

    Took me 30 minutes to get the S&B on. Also ordered from - drop shipped directly from S&B. Unfortunately, they gave me the wrong lid, so one of my screws does not line up. S&B is supposed to send me a replacement, but I've been waiting almost a month for that. Need to give em...
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    04 Denali XL console trim bezel removal help

    Highly recommend getting a set of these if you're doing a lot of interior work - installing A/V, lighting, etc. Handy little tools. Snap-On makes a great set too, but it's metal.
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    Big 3 Wiring Upgrade

    Went ahead and ponied up the $80 for some 1/0 Kicker flex cable and did this mod today. Works beautifully, as soon as I connected the negative to the top post everything came back on (I disconnected the negative from the side post first). Pumped my subs up, turned on the high beams, and...
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    Performance and MPG mods

    How much you get that Hypertech for?
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    Keep blowing fuses, argh!

    You're probably not going to believe this, because I still don't. My amp was bad. Ten years old, I guess it had enough bouncing around in the trucks. I installed a new Hifonics Crunch 4-chan amp and it works beautifully. Used all the same connections, no fuses popped for 2 days.
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    Help Me Choose a Stereo

    6 strong is pretty pricey, but consider this: The navigation and "premium" sound package from the factory is probably $2500. You're putting a good deal more in, and better quality stuff.
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    Double din in my 01 Denali.

    Looking good, can't wait to see the finished product.
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    Keep blowing fuses, argh!

    So I stopped by a pro audio place and asked them what they thought, and one guy claimed that I can't be popping fuses because of a bad ground or even because of the gauge of the wire for my particular install. "You've gotta have bare metal touching something somewhere." I have looked...
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    Keep blowing fuses, argh!

    I have two issues, a little background first: I installed a sub/amp a long time ago using 8ga wire going straight to the back. This has a 20amp fuse next to the battery in the engine compartment. I recently swapped out my front speakers and wired them to a spare amp I had. The amp is located...
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    mileage increase questions

    I have from just the S&B CAI. Stock: Average 321 miles per tank (measured ~20 tanks), 23.6 gal average fillup CAI install: Average 383 miles per tank (measured 4 tanks), 23.1 gal average fillup
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    oil screw removal

    Haha, dang, that would have sucked. Good info though, thanks for the update.
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    Detailing and product shopping

    I've used Zainos since 99. Once you do it right, you rarely have to do it. A good spray from the hose basically knocks everything off. Zainos costs a bit more, but it is a top quality product. I use the Clay Bar (Z-18) and paint cleaner (Z-PC) once a year, and the Z-2 for clear coats maybe...
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    Leather Care...

    Maybe you rednecks should stop wearing Wal-Mart jeans that eat up your leather? :lol: I use leather conditioner from Wilsons. I got a case of it from a friend, it works well. You have to smooth it on and let it sit for a bit before wiping/buffing it out.
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    Aftermarket head unit question

    Good point, forgot about that. What are you fabbing the brackets out of?
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    '04 Yukon Vents

    Sounds like an issue with the baffles, but not sure. Throwing a couple ideas out: Checked all the fuses? Check underneath the driver's console for any disconnected cables. Does defroster (baffle would have to change to uppers/windshield aimed) mode work? Check vacuum hoses in...