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  1. P

    97 Tahoe Dash Lights/Marker Lights not working

    Mike, thanks again for taking the time to respond to my question. The problem is fixed after I diagnosed myself as being a complete idiot. I've only had my Tahoe for about a year now. After installing my brake box for towing, I thought the fuse box in the engine compartment was the only fuse...
  2. P

    97 Tahoe Dash Lights/Marker Lights not working

    Thanks for the response. All fuses checked out OK before replacing the headlight switch. The condition did not change after replacing the switch. The smell may not even be associated with the condition as both times I smelled it, my wife claimed she didn't smell a thing. :confused:
  3. P

    97 Tahoe Dash Lights/Marker Lights not working

    Greetings everyone! The search function didn't seem to yield any answers. I have a 1997 Tahoe LT with some lighting troubles. I thought I had smelled something burning occasionally over the past month or so. My dash lights stopped working and my side marker lights no longer work...