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  1. L

    New L7 Installed

    I like that idea as I would like a good sub, but I still want to carry stuff too.
  2. L

    New owner/member as well =]

    Welcome to the forum of like minded Tahoe/Yukon lovers.
  3. L

    Why did you buy your SUV?

    They just look so dam good, how could you not want one?
  4. L

    Why did you buy your SUV?

    I normally don't put bumper stickers on a vehicle, but I love that bumper sticker, I snicker every time I see it.
  5. L

    Why did you buy your SUV?

    Yeah gas is expensive, true, but I cant replace family members and the piece of mind is well worth the price I pay to drive an urban tank. I 'll pay the price.
  6. L

    Why did you buy your SUV?

    Well, lets see, big ass V8, lots of creature comforts, safe as a tank, built like one too, typical big American vehicle hauls my wife and 2 kids safely and in comfort, eats preisus for breakfast, why wouldn't I buy one?
  7. L

    New 09 ZR! burnout!!!!

    I wonder if he had any tires left. That car is just freken awesome!
  8. L

    Program remote to open all doors w/ one click

    I don't know of a way to do it.
  9. L

    Ethanol - Anyone using it yet, results?

    "We should import it from Brazil IMO". I don't think we should import any fuel, but be totally self sufficient.
  10. L

    I Finally Ordered My 2009 Denali

    Wow what a sweet ride, congrats man.:thumbsup:
  11. L

    Ethanol - Anyone using it yet, results?

    I was listening to a news story that an upstart company is developing a cellulose based ethanol that doesn't require tapping food supply, and I totally applaud this effort.
  12. L

    Ethanol - Anyone using it yet, results?

    I would use it just to protest foreign oil use, but wait now I will piss of the tree huggers as I am driving up food prices.:eek: Dam how do you win?:skep:
  13. L

    Ethanol - Anyone using it yet, results?

    That is just based on an article I read, I have yet to try it.
  14. L

    Ethanol - Anyone using it yet, results?

    Well reports say the it burn cleaner and a slight increase in power. I would love to use it but there are no ethenol pumps near Santa Clarita, so I have yet to try it.
  15. L

    leaving on a roadtrip tonight, any input...

    I have heard from many people that the GMT 900 series is like night and day in regard to comfort.
  16. L

    leaving on a roadtrip tonight, any input...

    Listen to you're favorite music, drink lots of coffee, count other GMT 900 series trucks you see on the road.
  17. L

    How many use the hands free calling feature?

    But why do that,? Onstar is already hands free.