Recent content by BluRock

  1. B

    Weird issues

    Interesting, Tow Truck driver tried starting the Tahoe and observed nothing working at all. After loading the vehicle he again tried to start the engine and it did crank up. I'm glad someone from the dealership observed this. After talking with the mechanic at the dealership, he said there...
  2. B

    What did you trade in, to get your current Tahoe?

    Traded in a 2003 Avalanche, miss it. 2013 LTZ Tahoe very nice but doesn't have the ride of the Avalanche.
  3. B

    Weird issues

    Has similar problems, noticed volt meter at the 11:00 position every time, which indicated to me there wasn't enough battery voltage to operate all the electrical features. Dealer replaced positive battery cable from the battery to the UBEC box as well as the 175 amp fuse. Seemed to have fixed...
  4. B

    Having intermittent electrical issues with a 2013 Tahoe LTZ. Volt-meter on instrument panel...

    Having intermittent electrical issues with a 2013 Tahoe LTZ. Volt-meter on instrument panel showing reduced voltage at times and increased voltage later, but within what appears to be an allowable range. Intermittent issues includes door locks locking/unlocking, cruise control disengaging...